Environment Policy

Split Second recognises its responsibility to protect the environment and we are continually working to reduce the environmental impact of the work we do. We aim to actively promote a greener way of touring and producing theatre and we have adopted the following rules:


  • The team works remotely as often as possible, using online tools to communicate, rather than meet in person.

  • We use a cloud based filling system to save on paper, but we are also mindful of the environmental impact of such systems and therefore only save and keep documents that are necessary. Archive will be kept on an offline hard disk.

  • When travel is necessary, we prioritise bike or public transport when travelling locally, or train when travelling outside of London.

  • We are a paperless organisation. We will only print when necessary and only using recyclable paper.

  • We reuse and repair as much as possible before considering buying new equipment.

  • We recycle our waste following our local authority guidelines.

  • We will discuss quarterly our environment policy and challenge ourselves to do better.

  • Our main office is in Somerset House, London and when there, we follow their environmental policy.

  • We are following the guidelines for the industry set by Julie’s Bicycle.


  • When producing work, we will discuss with the creative team ways to make the final production greener: create a set as small as possible so it can be easily transported, recycle equipment and props from other production, etc.

  • When touring, we will encourage the team to travel by train rather than car or plane.

  • When promoting our activities, we will only use paper when absolutely necessary and will always use recyclable paper. We will discuss with the printer ways to use green ink.

  • We discuss with partner venues and festivals how to improve our carbon footprint by agreeing on a fixed number of posters and flyers

This policy is not restrictive. We will test its elements to find out what works and what doesn’t. We will continuously research environment topics and evaluate the results of our policy.